St. John's Senior Secondary School
Affiliated to C.B.S.E. Estb. 1882

School Rules


  • Non-payment of the school dues on the last date of month.
  • Irregular attendance without an acceptable reason and permission.
  • Inability of the student to pursue the studies and irregularity in submission of assignments.
  • Imprisonment of student on account of any offence committed. Uncultured Legal action against
  • any student.
  • Unwanted behaviour of the parents or the students with the teachers, Principal and other officials of the school.
  • Drug addiction or drug transaction on the part of a student.
  • Indiscipline of any kind on the part of the student or damaging the school property in any manner. In such condition of damaging the property of the school, parents will have to pay the cost of the total loss.
  • Use of unfair means by a student in examination and tests.


  • School fees has to be paid for twelve months.
  • Fees should be paid quarterly to avoid penalty for default.(If the student’s fee is not deposited within the given period, student will not be permitted to sit in the class and admission fee will have to be paid again.
  • 1st Quarter 1st April to 31st May April to June
    2nd Quarter 1st April to 31st May July to Sept.
    3rd Quarter 1st Oct. to 31st Nov. October to Dec.
    4th Quarter 1st January to 31st Feb. January to March
  • If fees is not paid by the stipulated date a fine of Rs. 5/- per day will be charged otherwise the name of the student will be strucks off the rolls without any notice.
  • Students will not be allowed to appear for examination unless all dues have been cleared prior to commencement of the examination.
  • Re-admission fees of Rs.2000/- will be charged from such students, that for after the permission of the principal.
  • Fee once paid will not be adjusted / refunded.
  • Cash will not be accepted in the bank.


  • Student should have a plain hair cut. Girls having long hair should make plait and pin their hair neatly.
  • Blazer should be worn from 1st December.
  • Accessories except for watches and stud earrings, (girls) Should not be worn to school. Expensive watches and personal belongings should not be brought to school.
  • Long nails and use of nail polish is forbidden. Use of henna is to be avoided.


  • Non-payment of the school dues on the last date of month.
  • Irregular attendance without an acceptable reason and permission.
  • Inability of the student to pursue the studies and irregularity in submission of assignments.
  • Imprisonment of student on account of any offence committed. Uncultured Legal action against
  • any student.
  • Unwanted behaviour of the parents or the students with the teachers, Principal and other officials of the school.
  • Drug addiction or drug transaction on the part of a student.
  • Indiscipline of any kind on the part of the student or damaging the school property in any manner. In such condition of damaging the property of the school, parents will have to pay the cost of the total loss.
  • Use of unfair means by a student in examination and tests.


The school diary is used to establish a valuable understanding between the parents and the teachers. While the teachers are instructed to make the relevant entries in it from time to time, parents are requested to refer to it every day to keep in touch with their ward's progress. Your positive response to the teacher's remarks will go a long way in shaping your child's future. The parents and their wards must read and follow the rules and regulations of the school as laid down in the school diary. If a dairy is lost a new one will be issued on the payment of Rs.100/-.


  • All students are to be regular and punctual in attending the school.
  • No student will be allowed to sit in the final examination or promoted to the next class if he/she has got less than 75% attendance.
  • Leave to a student, for absence is granted only on an application written or countersigned by parent/guardian written to the Principal submitted within 2 days of absence. In the case of illness, a Medical Certificate must be submitted and a Fitness Certificate on account of infectious diseases.
  • The Parents/Guardians should ensure that the child is not absent from school on flimsy grounds. Absence from school creates gaps in studies which are difficult to cover up. If a child is absent, the very aim of education is defeated. Strict action will be taken against such students.
  • Long absence, except in the case of illness, should be discouraged.
  • The name of the student will be struck off the rolls if he/she is absent for more than 10 days continuously without any application. He/ She may be re-admitted subject to vacancy and at the discretion of the Principal. Full fees for the period of absence and also re-admission fee of Rs. 1500/- will be charged, if re-admitted.


  • Not only excellence in academic field but also students performance in various physical, social and cultural activities is assessed and they are duly awarded at the end of the year. The school does not guarantee the success of child's studies unless full co-operation of the parents or the parents or the guardians is forthcoming by enforcing discipline and regularity in studies at home.
  • In order to make the continuous and regular observations, assessment and evaluation of the student's academic performance, there will be unit tests on every Monday during first two periods and there will be two sets of examinations - Half Yearly and Annual. The promotion shall be granted on the basis of accumulative result of these tests.
  • The students absent from an examination for any reason are not re-examined and will be considered as having failed. In case of illness, Medical Certificate should be produced before completion of examination. In such cases the pupils promotion will be based on the aggregate of the other assessments.
  • After declaration of the result there shall be no re-test on any ground what so ever and no Medical Certificate on any kind of appeal shall be accepted.
  • The pass percentage is 33% in all academic subjects. For promotion to the next class, a student has to pass in all the main subjects.

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